Monday, October 30, 2006

What about The Marine?

I saw “The Marine” and was not impress at all. This movie although it had some action which I love, did not really get me going. I like my action movies to make sense and keep my interest long before the fireworks and shooting begin. Of course it was about a chick, like many others but, I just did not find it remotely entertaining. In my opinion, I think John Cena should leave the acting to the pros. I think he tried to portray The Rock character too much and went overboard. Yes I would buy it from Walmart and yes I would probably download it after three months but, I wish I did not spend a penny watching this movie. The Marine gets two thumbs down, zero stars and I would definitely not recommend it to anyone until it was in the discount boxes at Walmart. For those of you that are dying to check it out, I hope you can see what I am referring to and then maybe agree The Marine should be nominated for “The Low Budget Movie of The Year”. Let me know what you think.


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